Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So much for planning ...


Hello, again!  Not much blogging lately, but there has been an abundance of (as my friend calls it) "the business of life" and volunteering.  There was some crafting.  And, holiday crafting is the best!

This year, we all sat down at the beginning of October to discuss our Halloween plans.  The kids decided that they were too old for trick-or-treating and thus, did not need costumes.  I asked my hubby if he was dressing-up for work (he starting working for the current restaurant chain in Sept., 2011 but didn't dress for the holiday last year).   He thought he would only be working with the construction crew for the location he will be opening at the beginning of the year and wouldn't need a costume.  So, I was off-the-hook - no costume shopping or constructing.  I did buy a bunch of pumpkins and we planned to carve Skylanders characters and One Direction logos.  The pumpkins are still intact.  So, we will be roasting them and cooking some yummy recipes, instead.

Last week, my son was invited to help pass out candy at his friends house and had heard that there is a student costume contest at lunch today.  So, we dug out a packing box from the garage, bought some styrofoam bowls and found acrylic paint.  Easy peasy!  

Of course, if one child has a costume, so must the other.  I bought some knit fabric (I'm soooo thankful it was on sale at JoAnn's) and sewed a "Gangnam Style" outfit.

Hubby has been helping out with a location that is between managers and guess what he brought home last night.  He's lucky that he found something that fit!

What will I wear?  I'm going out to the garage to look for my witch's hat.

Are any of you dressing up for Halloween?  Don't forget your flashlights, glow necklaces and reflector strips tonight.  Have a Happy Halloween!


  1. Michelle, this is amazing! So happy you have a blog and show off your talents!

    1. Does it seem like an extension of 'art workshop'? What Halloween activities are happening at your home? Thanks for stopping by, Terri.

  2. I love the lego costume! I've said it before, and I'll say it again... you are just too clever! It feels good to be back. Now I have to stay accountable to my blog without blogtoberfest. That also means trying to fight the urge to vegitate on the couch after the day is done and get into my sewing space! Easier said than done these days ;)
