OMG! The t-shirt quilt I made for my daughter is like Joey Tribiani's entertainment center!
As she outgrew her t-shirts, I started cutting out the logos. I thought these would make a great quilt for her take to college. Since the knit is so stretchy, I bordered the cut-outs with cotton fabric and stored the blocks. This summer, I started assembling the blocks into panels.

I used most of the blocks in the quilt top, but I had so many that I also placed some blocks in the backing.
I knew it was big, when I measured it for the batting and backing. But, now that it's sewn and quilted, it still hangs over the sides of my California King mattress.
When it's on her TwinXL-sized dorm bed, will it overhang like that entertainment center covered Joey's and Chandler's doors?
I need to know when to stop. Less is more. At least, it's completed.