I had seen a tutorial on Martha Stewart's television show (yes, I've been crafting that long) and I had to incorporate it in my party planning. I searched the web to find the video, but I think the tutorial is so old that it's buried too deep for my patience.
Here's what I remember: MS showed how to make a continuous, concentric pattern and cut the lacy pattern using an exacto knife. She attached a string to the middle of the lacy design and glued the outer edge to a card front.
So, here's my card front.
You can sort of see circles cut into the red paper with the polka dots. Those are the lacy design I cut with my exacto knife. I attached a lady bug sticker, so the invitees would pull the string. A couple of them didn't pull the string, but after a couple of days sitting upright, the weight of the sticker gave a tug at the paper cuts and revealed the "little LADY"..
The inside had the party details
This invitation was really fun to make. I'm glad that I attached a photo of the "little LADY", as it's a great memory of her at the tender age of four. I miss those cheeks.
Happy Thursday! Thanks for stopping by.