Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dream Destination

12/5/12 Reverb prompt:  What was your dream destination in 2012 and why? 

Hmm ... Was I too preoccupied to dream of a destination to visit?  I guess so because I can't even remember thinking of being someplace else.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


12/4/12 Reverb prompt: How will you celebrate YOU?

December is too busy to celebrate ME, but it's fun to take a few moments to dream of how I will celebrate in January.  Here's another list:

1.  sew a dress for myself;
2.  finish knitting my neck warmer;
3.  re-organize my office/craft room;
4.  paint;  and
5.  enjoy a spa day (I still need to use that Christmas gift from my kids).

Monday, December 3, 2012

a wish

12/3/12 Reverb prompt:  What do you really wish for?

I'm going to be self-centered and choose two things:  I really wish for more patience and more appreciation.

Originally, I thought I would wish for more time, but my lack of time/rushing isn't my real problem.  I rush and don't see what's really important.  I need to take the time to be patient enough to really listen and I need to slow down to appreciate certain moments in my life.  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Snippets

Valuing My Time

12/2/12 Reverb prompt:  What was your most significant expenditure in 2012?

I think my most significant expenditure this year was my time given for volunteer work.

It started out as an easy job.  A fellow mom had taken on a new responsibility and needed some help, probably for 2-3 weeks and in my spare time.  Sure, I could help.  I enjoy working with this parent, and the work was in my former field.  No problem.  Until we realized that the volume, scope, and duration kept suddenly increasing.  A few hours for a couple of weeks grew to almost daily attention for seven months.  We later lucked out ... she left the organization and a replacement was found to take over my work.

This experience has gotten me to realize that an expenditure is not only something given but also something taken from me (and my family).  This volunteer experience escalated so quickly that I didn't see how little time I was dedicating to my family.  Now that I've settled back into my routine, I have noticed more attention is available to my kids and husband, and many of my normal activities are less noticeable (no one needs to realize that the laundry is done and that the meals aren't such a chore).    

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hello, December!

12/1/12 Reverb prompt:  How are you starting this last month of 2012?

It's the beginning of the month, so I took a few moments to plan what needed to get done this month.  

First, I flipped the monthly page of my calendar and updated our schedules.  Athletics practices,  school club meetings, work (a location opening this month and construction at another location -- guess I will need to efficiently enjoy my time with hubby this month), swim meets, soccer playoffs, school field trips, school spirit days, can and book drives, holiday parties, Winter Break (break for whom?) and dates of visiting family members.  I'm exhausted thinking about this month.

Next, I started my holiday lists --  gifts to give and things to do.  Every year, it seems like these lists get longer.  Again, thinking about all of this exhausts me.

There's a lot to do.  It's time for me to get started.   What have you scheduled for this month?  Good luck with all that you've planned.